Columnists - Past and Present

Categorizing columnists by type of column is no easy enterprise. Some remain column after column in one area of concern and expertise. Many, however, will cross from one type to another.

One might also categorize columns by the prevailing rhetorical strategy. This, of course, will move columnists when attached to their columns into almost every column. These are skilled writers whose voices find expression in many of the strategies of rhetoric.

One might categorize columns by theme. This too will yield an interesting rearrangement of columnists when a particular column is being pigeon-holed.

Here's a list to help you become familiar with some of the columnists who have been recognized over the years for their distinctive style, perspective and consistent excellence. We have added a few that are just fun to read.


Carolyn Hax
Ann Landers


Fran Lebowitz
H. L. Mencken
Andy Rooney
Mike Royko


Russell Baker
Dave Barry
Art Buchwald
Langston Hughes

REVIEW - ARTS (art, book, movie, theater)

Michael Arlen, television
Gail Caldwell, books
Justin Davidson, classical music
Manuela Hoelterhoff, art
Stephen Hunter, film critic
Pauline Kael, movies
Howard Kurtz
Tom Shales, television and media
Gene Shalit, movies


Phyllis Richman


Stephen Jay Gould
Robert Rosenblatt


Teddy Allen
Donna Britt
Mike Deupree
Dorothy Gilliam
Ellen Goodman
Bob Greene
Susan Jacoby, "Hers"
James J. Kilpatrick
Max Lerner
Eileen McNamara
William Raspberry
Karen Ray
Calvin Trillin, "U.S. Journal"
Steve Twomey
E. B. White



This sudivision of social commentary is for a very special group of writers who are inextricably bound to a particular city (Barnicle, recently giving some reason to disinherit him from Bostonian society, would make an interesting case study in breaking the public trust.)

Mike Barnicle, Boston Globe
Jimmy Breslin, New York Newsday
Herb Caen, San Francisco Chronicle
H. L. Mencken, Baltimore Evening Sun
Mike Royko, Chicago Daily News, Tribune
Jack Smith, Lost Angeles Times


Mitch Albom
Andrew Beyer
Red Smith
Michael Wilbon


William F. Buckley, Jr., "On the Right"
Nat Hentoff
Molly Ivins
Murray Kempton Newsday
Walter Lippman
James Reston, "Washington"
Dorothy Thompson
George Will




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