

According to the American Heritage Dictionary
[Middle English rethorik, from Old French rethorique, from Latin Rhetorice, rhetorica, from Greek rhetorike, rhetor, public speaker; from the Indo-European root wer-, other derivatives are word, verb, verve, adverb, proverb and irony]


1. The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively
2. A style of speaking or writing effectively, especially the language of a particular subject: fiery political rhetoric
3. Language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere or intellectually vacuous: His offers of compromise were mere rhetoric
4. Verbal communication; discourse


1. Relating to rhetoric
2. Characterized by overelaborate or bombastic rhetoric
3. Used for persuasive effect: a speech punctuated by rhetorical pauses


1. Analogy and Metaphor
2. Argumentation and Persuasion
3. Cause and Effect
4. Classification
5. Comparison and Contrast
6. Definition
7. Description
8. Exemplification and Illustration
9. Narration
10. Process analysis


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